Friday, December 4, 2020

It's templates all the way down - part 3

In Part 1 I've shown you how to create your own distribution image using the CI templates. In Part 2, I've shown you how to truly build nested images. In this part, I'll talk about the ci-fairy tool that is part of the same repository of ci-templates.

When you're building a CI pipeline, there are some tasks that most projects need in some way or another. The ci-fairy tool is a grab-bag of solutions for these. Some of those solutions are for a pipeline itself, others are for running locally. So let's go through the various commands available.

Using ci-fairy in a pipeline

It's as simple as including the template in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

 - ''
Of course, if you want to track a specific sha instead of following master, just sub that sha there. projects can include ci-fairy like this:
 - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
   ref: master
   file: '/templates/ci-fairy.yml'
Once that's done, you have access to a job template that you can extends from. This will download an image from that is capable of git, python, bash and obviously ci-fairy. This image is a fixed one and referenced by a unique sha so even if where we keep working on ci-fairy upstream you should never see regression, updating requires you to explicitly update the sha of the included ci-fairy template. Obviously, if you're using master like above you'll always get the latest.

Due to how the ci-templates work, it's good to set the FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO variable with the upstream project name. This means ci-fairy will be able to find the equivalent origin/master branch, where that's not available in the merge request. Note, this is not your personal fork but the upstream one, e.g. "freedesktop/ci-templates" if you are working on the ci-templates itself.

Checking commit messages

ci-fairy has a command to check commits for a few basic expectations in commit messages. This currently includes things like enforcing a 80 char subject line length, that there is an empty line after the subject line, that no fixup or squash commits are in the history, etc. If you have complex requirements you need to write your own but for most projects this job ensures that there are no obvious errors in the git commit log:

    - ci-fairy check-commits --signed-off-by
    - master@upstream/project
Since you don't ever want this to fail on an already merged commit, exclude this job the master branch of the upstream project - the MRs should've caught this already anyway.

Checking merge requests

To rebase a contributors merge request, the contributor must tick the checkbox to Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch. The default value is off which is frustrating (gitlab is working on it though) and causes unnecessary delays in processing merge requests. ci-fairy has command to check for this value on an MR and fail - contributors ideally pay attention to the pipeline and fix this accordingly.

    - ci-fairy check-merge-request --require-allow-collaboration
  allow_failure: true
As a tip: run this job towards the end of the pipeline to give collaborators a chance to file an MR before this job fails.

Using ci-fairy locally

The two examples above are the most useful ones for CI pipelines, but ci-fairy also has some useful local commands. For that you'll have to install it, but that's as simple as

$ pip3 install git+
A big focus on ci-fairy for local commands is that it should, usually, be able to work without any specific configuration if you run it in the repository itself.


Just hacked on the CI config?

$ ci-fairy lint
and done, you get the same error back that the online linter for your project would return.

Pipeline checks

Just pushed to the repo?

$ ci-fairy wait-for-pipeline                        
status: success   | 7/7 | created:  0 | pending:  0 | running:  0 | failed:  0 | success:  7 ....
The command is self-explanatory, I think.


There are a few other parts to ci-fairy including templating and even minio handling. I recommend looking at e.g. the libinput CI pipeline which uses much of ci-fairy's functionality. And the online documentation for ci-fairy, who knows, there may be something useful in there for you.

The useful contribution of ci-fairy is primarily that it tries to detect the settings for each project automatically, regardless of whether it's run inside a MR pipeline or just as part of a normal pipeline. So the same commands will work without custom configuration on a per-project basis. And for many things it works without API tokens, so the setup costs are just the pip install.

If you have recurring jobs, let us know, we're always looking to add more useful functionality to this little tool.

Friday, September 4, 2020

No user-specific XKB configuration in X

This is the continuation from these posts: part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

In the posts linked above, I describe how it's possible to have custom keyboard layouts in $HOME or /etc/xkb that will get picked up by libxkbcommon. This only works for the Wayland stack, the X stack doesn't use libxkbcommon. In this post I'll explain why it's unlikely this will ever happen in X.

As described in the previous posts, users configure with rules, models, layouts, variants and options (RMLVO). What XKB uses internally though are keycodes, compat, geometry, symbols types (KcCGST) [1].

There are, effectively, two KcCGST keymap compilers: libxkbcommon and xkbcomp. libxkbcommon can go from RMLVO to a full keymap, xkbcomp relies on other tools (e.g. setxkbmap) which in turn use a utility library called libxkbfile to can parse rules files. The X server has a copy of the libxkbfile code. It doesn't use libxkbfile itself but it relies on the header files provided by it for some structs.

Wayland's keyboard configuration works like this:

  • the compositor decides on the RMLVO keybard layout, through an out-of-band channel (e.g. gsettings, weston.ini, etc.)
  • the compositor invokes libxkbcommon to generate a KcCGST keymap and passes that full keymap to the client
  • the client compiles that keymap with libxkbcommon and feeds any key events into libxkbcommon's state tracker to get the right keysyms
The advantage we have here is that only the full keymap is passed between entities. Changing how that keymap is generated does not affect the client. This, coincidentally [2], is also how Xwayland gets the keymap passed to it and why Xwayland works with user-specific layouts.

X works differently. Notably, KcCGST can come in two forms, the partial form specifying names only and the full keymap. The partial form looks like this:

$ setxkbmap -print -layout fr -variant azerty -option ctrl:nocaps
xkb_keymap {
 xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(azerty)" };
 xkb_types     { include "complete" };
 xkb_compat    { include "complete" };
 xkb_symbols   { include "pc+fr(azerty)+inet(evdev)+ctrl(nocaps)" };
 xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)" };
This defines the component names but not the actual keymap, punting that to the next part in the stack. This will turn out to be the achilles heel. Keymap handling in the server has two distinct aproaches:
  • During keyboard device init, the input driver passes RMLVO to the server, based on defaults or xorg.conf options
  • The server has its own rules file parser and creates the KcCGST component names (as above)
  • The server forks off xkbcomp and passes the component names to stdin
  • xkbcomp generates a keymap based on the components and writes it out as XKM file format
  • the server reads in the XKM format and updates its internal structs
This has been the approach for decades. To give you an indication of how fast-moving this part of the server is: XKM caching was the latest feature added... in 2009.

Driver initialisation is nice, but barely used these days. You set your keyboard layout in e.g. GNOME or KDE and that will apply it in the running session. Or run setxkbmap, for those with a higher affinity to neckbeards. setxkbmap works like this:

  • setkxkbmap parses the rules file to convert RMLVO to KcCGST component names
  • setkxkbmap calls XkbGetKeyboardByName and hands those component names to the server
  • The server forks off xkbcomp and passes the component names to stdin
  • xkbcomp generates a keymap based on the components and writes it out as XKM file format
  • the server reads in the XKM format and updates its internal structs
Notably, the RMLVO to KcCGST conversion is done on the client side, not the server side. And the only way to send a keymap to the server is that XkbGetKeyboardByName request - which only takes KcCGST, you can't even pass it a full keymap. This is also a long-standing potential issue with XKB: if your client tools uses different XKB data files than the server, you don't get the keymap you expected.

Other parts of the stack do basically the same as setxkbmap which is just a thin wrapper around libxkbfile anyway.

Now, you can use xkbcomp on the client side to generate a keymap, but you can't hand it as-is to the server. xkbcomp can do this (using libxkbfile) by updating the XKB state one-by-one (XkbSetMap, XkbSetCompatMap, XkbSetNames, etc.). But at this point you're at the stage where you ask the server to knowingly compile a wrong keymap before updating the parts of it.

So, realistically, the only way to get user-specific XKB layouts into the X server would require updating libxkbfile to provide the same behavior as libxkbcommon, update the server to actually use libxkbfile instead of its own copy, and updating xkbcomp to support the changes in part 2, part 3. All while ensuring no regressions in code that's decades old, barely maintained, has no tests, and, let's be honest, not particularly pretty to look at. User-specific XKB layouts are somewhat a niche case to begin with, so I don't expect anyone to ever volunteer and do this work [3], much less find the resources to review and merge that code. The X server is unlikely to see another real release and this is definitely not something you want to sneak in in a minor update.

The other option would be to extend XKB-the-protocol with a request to take a full keymap so the server. Given the inertia involved and that the server won't see more full releases, this is not going to happen.

So as a summary: if you want custom keymaps on your machine, switch to Wayland (and/or fix any remaining issues preventing you from doing so) instead of hoping this will ever work on X. xmodmap will remain your only solution for X.

[1] Geometry is so pointless that libxkbcommon doesn't even implement this. It is a complex format to allow rendering a picture of your keyboard but it'd be a per-model thing and with evdev everyone is using the same model, so ...
[2] totally not coincidental btw
[3] libxkbcommon has been around for a decade now and no-one has volunteered to do this in the years since, so...

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

User-specific XKB configuration - putting it all together

This is the continuation from these posts: part 1, part 2, part 3

This is the part where it all comes together, with (BYO) fireworks and confetti, champagne and hoorays. Or rather, this is where I'll describe how to actually set everything up. It's a bit complicated because while libxkbcommon does the parsing legwork now, we haven't actually changed other APIs and the file formats which are still 1990s-style nerd cool and requires significant experience in CS [1] to understand what goes where.

The below relies on software using libxkbcommon and libxkbregistry. At the time of writing, libxkbcommon is used by all mainstream Wayland compositors but not by the X server. libxkbregistry is not yet used because I'm typing this before we had a release for it. But at least now I have a link to point people to.

libxkbcommon has a xkbcli-scaffold-new-layout tool that The xkblayout tool creates the template files as shown below. At the time of writing, this tool must be run from the git repo build directory, it is not installed.

I'll explain here how to add the us(banana) variant and the custom:foo option, and I will optimise for simplicity and brevity.

Directory structure

First, create the following directory layout:

$ tree $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb
├── compat
├── keycodes
├── rules
│   ├── evdev
│   └── evdev.xml
├── symbols
│   ├── custom
│   └── us
└── types
If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is unset, fall back to $HOME/.config.

Rules files

Create the rules file and add an entry to map our custom:foo option to a section in the symbols/custom file.

$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/rules/evdev
! option = symbols
  custom:foo = +custom(foo)

// Include the system 'evdev' file
! include %S/evdev
Note that no entry is needed for the variant, that is handled by wildcards in the system rules file. If you only want a variant and no options, you technically don't need this rules file.

Second, create the xml file used by libxkbregistry to display your new entries in the configuration GUIs:

$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/rules/evdev.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xkbConfigRegistry SYSTEM "xkb.dtd">
<xkbConfigRegistry version="1.1">
    <group allowMultipleSelection="true">
        <description>custom options</description>
          <description>This option does something great</description>
Our variant needs to be added as a layoutList/layout/variantList/variant, the option to the optionList/group/option. libxkbregistry will combine this with the system-wide evdev.xml file in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml.

Overriding and adding symbols

Now to the actual mapping. Add a section to each of the symbols files that matches the variant or option name:

$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/symbols/us
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "banana" {
    name[Group1]= "Banana (us)";

    include "us(basic)"

    key <CAPS> { [ Escape ] };
with this, the us(banana) layout will be a US keyboard layout but with the CapsLock key mapped to Escape. What about our option? Mostly the same, let's map the tilde key to nothing:
$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/symbols/custom
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "foo" {
    key <TLDE> { [ VoidSymbol ] };
A note here: NoSymbol means "don't overwrite it" whereas VoidSymbol is "map to nothing".


You may notice that the variant and option sections are almost identical. XKB doesn't care about variants vs options, it only cares about components to combine. So the sections do what we expect of them: variants include enough other components to make them a full keyboard layout, options merely define a few keys so they can be combined with layouts(variants). Due to how the lookups work, you could load the option template as layout custom(foo).

For the actual documentation of keyboard configuration, you'll need to google around, there are quite a few posts on how to map keys. All that has changed is where from and how things are loaded but not the actual data formats.

If you wanted to install this as system-wide custom rules, replace $XDG_CONFIG_HOME with /etc.

The above is a replacement for xmodmap. It does not require a script to be run manually to apply the config, the existing XKB integration will take care of it. It will work in Wayland (but as said above not in X, at least not for now).

A final word

Now, I fully agree that this is cumbersome, clunky and feels outdated. This is easy to fix, all that is needed is for someone to develop a better file format, make sure it's backwards compatible with the full spec of the XKB parser (the above is a fraction of what it can do), that you can generate the old files from the new format to reduce maintenance, and then maintain backwards compatibility with the current format for the next ten or so years. Should be a good Google Decade of Code beginner project.

[1] Cursing and Swearing

Monday, August 31, 2020

User-specific XKB configuration - part 3

This is the continuation from these posts: part 1, part 2

Let's talk about everyone's favourite [1] keyboard configuration system again: XKB. If you recall the goal is to make it simple for users to configure their own custom layouts. Now, as described earlier, XKB-the-implementation doesn't actually have a concept of a "layout" as such, it has "components" and something converts your layout desires into the combination of components. RMLVO (rules, model, layout, variant, options) is what you specify and gets converted to KcCGST (keycodes, compat, geometry, symbols, types). This is a one-way conversion, the resulting keymaps no longer has references to the RMLVO arguments. Today's post is about that conversion, and we're only talking about libxkbcommon as XKB parser because anything else is no longer maintained.

The peculiar thing about XKB data files (provided by xkeyboard-config [3]) is that the filename is part of the API. You say layout "us" variant "dvorak", the rules file translates this to symbols 'us(dvorak)' and the parser will understand this as "load file 'symbols/us' and find the dvorak section in that file". [4] The default "us" keyboard layout will require these components:

xkb_keymap {
 xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
 xkb_types     { include "complete" };
 xkb_compat    { include "complete" };
 xkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)" };
 xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)" };
So the symbols are really: file symbols/pc, add symbols/us and then the section named 'evdev' from symbols/inet [5]. Types are loaded from types/complete, etc. The lookup paths for libxkbcommon are $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb, /etc/xkb, and /usr/share/X11/xkb, in that order.

Most of the symbols sections aren't actually full configurations. The 'us' default section only sets the alphanumeric rows, everything else comes from the 'pc' default section (hence: include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"). And most variant sections just include the default one, usually called 'basic'. For example, this is the 'euro' variant of the 'us' layout which merely combines a few other sections:

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "euro" {

    include "us(basic)"
    name[Group1]= "English (US, euro on 5)";

    include "eurosign(5)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"
Including things works as you'd expect: include "foo(bar)" loads section 'bar' from file 'foo' and this works for 'symbols/', 'compat/', etc., it'll just load the file in the same subdirectory. So yay, the directory is kinda also part of the API.

Alright, now you understand how KcCGST files are loaded, much to your despair.

For user-specific configuration, we could already load a 'custom' layout from the user's home directory. But it'd be nice if we could just add a variant to an existing layout. Like "us(banana)", because potassium is important or somesuch. This wasn't possible because the filename is part of the API. So our banana variant had to be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/symbols/us and once we found that "us" file, we could no longer include the system one.

So as of two days ago, libxkbcommon now extends the parser to have merged KcCGST files, or in other words: it'll load the symbols/us file in the lookup path order until it finds the section needed. With that, you can now copy this into your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/symbols/us file and have it work as variant:

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "banana" {

    include "us(basic)"
    name[Group1]= "English (Banana)";

    // let's assume there are some keymappings here
And voila, you now have a banana variant that can combine with the system-level "us" layout.

And because there must be millions [6] of admins out there that maintain custom XKB layouts for a set of machines, the aforementioned /etc/xkb lookup path was also recently added to libxkbcommon. So we truly now have the typical triplet of lookup paths:

  • vendor-provided ones in /usr/share/X11/xkb,
  • host-specific ones in /etc/xkb, and
  • user-specific ones in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb [7].
Good times, good times.

[1] Much in the same way everyone's favourite Model T colour was black
[2] This all follows the UNIX philosophy, there are of course multiple tools involved and none of them know what the other one is doing
[3] And I don't think Sergey gets enough credit for maintaining that pile of language oddities
[4] Note that the names don't have to match, we could map layout 'us' to the symbols in 'banana' but life's difficult enough as it is
[5] I say "add" when it's sort of a merge-and-overwrite and, yes, of course there are multiple ways to combine layouts, thanks for asking
[6] Actual number may be less
[7] Notice how "X11" is missing in the latter two? If that's not proof that we want to get rid of X, I don't know what is!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

libei - a library to support emulated input

Let's talk about eggs. X has always supported XSendEvent() which allows anyone to send any event to any client [1]. However, this event had a magic bit to make it detectable, so clients detect and subsequently ignore it. Spoofing input that just gets ignored is of course not productive, so in the year 13 BG [2] the XTest extension was conceived. XTest has a few requests that allow you to trigger a keyboard event (press and release, imagine the possibilities), buttons and pointer motion. The name may seem odd until someone explains to you that it was primarily written to support automated testing of X servers. But no-one has the time to explain that.

Having a separate extension worked around the issue of detectability and thus any client could spoof input events. Security concerns were addressed with "well, just ifdef out that extension then" which worked great until other applications started using it for input emulation. Since around ~2008 XTest events are emulated through special XTest devices in the server but that is solely to make the implementation less insane. Technically this means that XTest events are detectable again, except that no-one bothers to actually do that. Having said that, these devices only make it possible to detect an XTest event, but not which client sent that event. And, due to how the device hierarchy works, it's really hard to filter out those events anyway.

Now it's 2020 and we still have an X server that basically allows access to anything and any client to spoof input. This level of security is industry standard for IoT devices but we are trying to be more restrictive than that on your desktop, lest the stuff you type actually matters. The accepted replacement for X is of course Wayland, but Wayland-the-protocol does not provide an extension to emulate input. This makes sense, emulating input is not exactly a display server job [3] but it does leaves us with a bunch of things no longer working.


So let's talk about libei. This new library for Emulated Input consists of two components: libei, the client library to be used in applications, and libeis, the part to be used by an Emulated Input Server, to be used in the compositors. libei provides the API to connect to an EIS implementation and send events. libeis provides the API to receive those events and pass them on to the compositor. Let's see how this looks like in the stack:

    +--------------------+             +------------------+
    | Wayland compositor |---wayland---| Wayland client B |
    +--------------------+\            +------------------+
    | libinput | libeis  | \_wayland______
    +----------+---------+                \
        |          |           +-------+------------------+
 /dev/input/       +---brei----| libei | Wayland client A |
"brei" is the communication "Bridge for EI" and is a private protocol between libei and libeis.

Emulated input is not particularly difficult, mostly because when you're emulating input, you know exactly what you are trying to do. There is no interpretation of bad hardware data like libinput has to do, it's all straightforward. Hence the communication between libei and libeis is relatively trivial, it's all button, keyboard, pointer and touch events. Nothing fancy here and I won't go into details because that part will work as you expect it to. The selling point of libei is elsewhere, primarily in separation, distinction and control.

libei is a separate library to libinput or libwayland or Xlib or whatever else may have. By definition, it is thus a separate input stream in both the compositor and the client. This means the compositor can do things like display a warning message while emulated input is active. Or it can re-route the input automatically, e.g. assign a separate wl_seat to the emulated input devices so they can be independently focused, etc. Having said that, the libeis API is very similar to libinput's API so integration into compositors is quite trivial because most of the hooks to process incoming events are already in place.

libei distinguishes between different clients, so the compositor is always aware of who is currently emulating input. You have synergy, xdotool and a test suite running at the same time? The compositor is aware of which client is sending which events and can thus handle those accordingly.

Finally, libei provides control over the emulated input. This works on multiple levels. A libei client has to request device capabilities (keyboard, touch, pointer) and the compositor can restrict to a subset of those (e.g. "no keyboard for you"). Second, the compositor can suspend/resume a device at any time. And finally, since the input events go through the compositor anyway, it can discard events it doesn't like. For example, even where the compositor allowed keyboards and the device is not suspended, it may still filter out Escape key presses. Or rewrite those to be Caps Lock because we all like a bit of fun, don't we?

The above isn't technically difficult either, libei itself is not overly complex. The interaction between an EI client and an EIS server is usually the following:

  • client connects to server and says hello
  • server disconnects the client, or accepts it
  • client requests one or more devices with a set of capabilities
  • server rejects those devices or allows those devices and/or limits their capabilities
  • server resumes the device (because they are suspended by default)
  • client sends events
  • client disconnects, server disconnects the client, server suspends the device, etc.
Again, nothing earth-shattering here. There is one draw-back though: the server must approve of a client and its devices, so a client is not able to connect, send events and exit. It must wait until the server has approved the devices before it can send events. This means tools like xdotool need to be handled in a special way, more on that below.

Flatpaks and portals

With libei we still have the usual difficulties: a client may claim it's synergy when really it's bad-hacker-tool. There's not that much we can do outside a sandbox, but once we are guarded by a portal, things look different:

    | Wayland compositor |_
    +--------------------+  \
    | libinput | libeis  |   \_wayland______
    +----------+---------+                  \
        |     [eis-0.socket]                 \
 /dev/input/     /   \\       +-------+------------------+
                |      ======>| libei | Wayland client A |
                |      after    +-------+------------------+
         initial|     handover   /
      connection|               / initial request
                |              /  dbus[org.freedesktop.portal.EmulatedInput]
        | xdg-desktop-portal |
The above shows the interaction when a client is run inside a sandbox with access to the org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop bus. The libei client connects to the portal (it won't see the EIS server otherwise), the portal hands it back a file descriptor to communicate on and from then on it's like a normal EI session. What the portal implementation can do though is write several Restrictions for EIS on the server side of the file descriptor using libreis. Usually, the portal would write the app-id of the client (thus guaranteeing a reliable name) and maybe things like "don't allow keyboard capabilities for any device". Once the fd is handed to the libei client, the restrictions cannot be loosened anymore so a client cannot overwrite its own name.

So the full interaction here becomes:

  • Client connects to org.freedesktop.portal.EmulatedInput
  • Portal implementation verifies that the client is allowed to emulate input
  • Portal implementation obtains a socket to the EIS server
  • Portal implementation sends the app id and any other restrictions to the EIS server
  • Portal implementation returns the socket to the client
  • Client creates devices, sends events, etc.
For a client to connect to the portal instead of the EIS server directly is currently a one line change.

Note that the portal implementation is still in its very early stages and there are changes likely to happen. The general principle is unlikely to change though.


Turns out we still have a lot of X clients around so somehow we want to be able to use those. Under Wayland, those clients connect to Xwayland which translates X requests to Wayland requests. X clients will use XTest to emulate input which currently goes to where the dodos went. But we can add libei support to Xwayland and connect XTest, at which point the diagram looks like this:

    +--------------------+             +------------------+
    | Wayland compositor |---wayland---| Wayland client B |
    +--------------------+\            +------------------+
    | libinput | libeis  | \_wayland______
    +----------+---------+                \
        |          |           +-------+------------------+
 /dev/input/       +---brei----| libei |     XWayland     |
                                                | XTEST
                                         |  X client |
XWayland is basically just another Wayland client but it knows about XTest requests, and it knows about the X clients that request those. So it can create a separate libei context for each X client, with pointer and keyboard devices that match the XTest abilities. The end result of that is you can have a xdotool libei context, a synergy libei context, etc. And of course, where XWayland runs in a sandbox it could use the libei portal backend. At which point we have a sandboxed X client using a portal to emulate input in the Wayland compositor. Which is pretty close to what we want.

Where to go from here?

So, at this point the libei repo is still sitting in my personal gitlab namespace. Olivier Fourdan has done most of the Xwayland integration work and there's a basic Weston implementation. The portal work (tracked here) is the one needing the most attention right now, followed by the implementations in the real compositors. I think I have tentative agreement from the GNOME and KDE developers that this all this is a good idea. Given that the goal of libei is to provide a single approach to emulate input that works on all(-ish) compositors [4], that's a good start.

Meanwhile, if you want to try it, grab libei from git, build it, and run the eis-demo-server and ei-demo-client tools. And for portal support, run the eis-fake-portal tool, just so you don't need to mess with the real one. At the moment, those demo tools will have a client connecting a keyboard and pointer and sending motion, button and 'qwerty' keyboard events every few seconds. The latter with client and/or server-set keymaps because that's possible too.


What does all this have to do with eggs? "Ei", "Eis", "Brei", and "Reis" are, respectively, the German words for "egg", "ice" or "ice cream", "mush" (think: porridge) and "rice". There you go, now you can go on holidays to a German speaking country and sustain yourself on a nutritionally imbalanced diet.

[1] The whole "any to any" is a big thing in X and just shows that in the olden days you could apparently trust, well, apparently anyone
[2] "before git", i.e. too bothersome to track down so let's go with the Copyright notice in the protocol specification
[3] XTest the protocol extension exists presumably because we had a hammer and a protocol extension thus looked like a nail
[4] Let's not assume that every compositor having their own different approach to emulation is a good idea

Monday, July 6, 2020

User-specific XKB configuration - part 2

This is the continuation from this post.

Several moons have bypassed us [1] in the time since the first post, and Things Have Happened! If you recall (and of course you did because you just re-read the article I so conveniently linked above), libxkbcommon supports an include directive for the rules files and it will load a rules file from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/rules/ which is the framework for custom per-user keyboard layouts. Alas, those files are just sitting there, useful but undiscoverable.

To give you a very approximate analogy, the KcCGST format I described last time are the ingredients to a meal (pasta, mince, tomato). The rules file is the machine-readable instruction set to assemble your meal but it relies a lot on wildcards. Feed it "spaghetti, variant bolognese" and the actual keymap ends up being the various components put together: "pasta(spaghetti)+sauce(tomato)+mince". But for this to work you need to know that spag bol is available in the first place, i.e you need the menu. This applies to keyboard layouts too - the keyboard configuration panel needs to present a list so the users can clickedy click-click on whatever layout they think is best for them.

This menu of possible layouts is provided by the xkeyboard-config project but for historical reasons [2], it is stored as an XML file named after the ruleset: usually /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml [3]. Configuration utilities parse that file directly which is a bit of an issue when your actual keymap compiler starts supporting other include paths. Your fancy new layout won't show up because everything insists on loading the system layout menu only. This bit is part 2, i.e. this post here.

If there's one thing that the world doesn't have enough of yet, it's low-level C libraries. So I hereby present to you: libxkbregistry. This library has now been merged into the libxkbcommon repository and provides a simple C interface to list all available models, layouts and options for a given ruleset. It sits in the same repository as libxkbcommon - long term this will allow us to better synchronise any changes to XKB handling or data formats as we can guarantee that the behaviour of both components is the same.

Speaking of data formats, we haven't actually changed any of those which means they're about as easy to understand as your local COVID19 restrictions. In the previous post I outlined the example for the KcCGST and rules file, what you need now with libxkbregistry is an XKB-compatible XML file named after your ruleset. Something like this:

$ cat $HOME/.config/xkb/rules/evdev.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>                                           
<!DOCTYPE xkbConfigRegistry SYSTEM "xkb.dtd">                                    
<xkbConfigRegistry version="1.1">                                                
            <description>US (Banana)</description>                           
    <group allowMultipleSelection="true">                                        
        <description>Custom options</description>                                
        <description>Map Tilde to nothing</description>                          
        <description>Map Z to K</description>                                    
This looks more complicated than it is: we have models (not shown here), layouts which can have multiple variants and options which are grouped together in option group (to make options mutually exclusive). libxkbregistry will merge this with the system layouts in what is supposed to be the most obvious merge algorithm. The simple summary of that is that you can add to existing system layouts but you can't modify those - the above example will add a "banana" variant to the US keyboard layout without modifying "us" itself or any of its other variants. The second part adds two new options based on my previous post.

Now, all that is needed is to change every user of evdev.xml to use libxkbregistry. The gnome-desktop merge request is here for a start.

[1] technically something that goes around something else doesn't bypass it but the earth is flat, the moon is made of cheese, facts don't matter anymore and stop being so pedantic about things already!
[2] it's amazing what you can handwave away with "for historical reasons". Life would be better if there was less history to choose reasons from.
[3] there's also evdev.extras.xml for very niche layouts which is a separate file for historical reasons [2], despite there being a "popularity" XML attribute

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

It's templates all the way down - part 2

In Part 1 I've shown you how to create your own distribution image using the CI templates. In Part 2, we'll go a bit further than that by truly embracing nested images.

Our assumption here is that we have two projects (or jobs), with the second one relying heavily on the first one. For example, the base project and a plugin, or a base project and its language bindings. What we'll get out of this blog post is a setup where we have

  • a base image in the base project
  • an image extending that base image in a different project
  • automatic rebuilds of that extended image when the base image changes
And none of your contributors have to care about this. It's all handled automatically and filing a MR against a project will build against the right image. So let's get started.

Our base project has CI that pushes an image to its registry. The .gitlab-ci.yml contains something like this:


    - .fedora32
    - .fdo.container-build@fedora

This will build a fedora/32:base.0 image in the project's container registry. That image is built once and then re-used by any job extending .fdo.distribution-image@fedora. So far, so Part 1.

Now, the second project needs to test things on top of this base image, for example language bindings for rust. You want to use the same image that the base project uses (and has successfully completed its CI on) but you need some extra packages or setup. This is where the FDO_BASE_IMAGE comes in. In our dependent project, we have this:


    - .fedora32
    - .fdo.container-build@fedora
    # extra packages we want to install and things we need to set up

    - .fedora32
    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
   - cargo build myproject-bindings

And voila, you now have two images: the base image with curl and wget in the base project and an extra image with rust and cargo in the dependent project. And all that is required is to reference the FDO_BASE_IMAGE, everything else is the same. Note how the FDO_BASE_IMAGE is a full path in this example since we assume it's in a different project. For dependent images within the same project, you can just use the image path without the host.

The dependency only matters while the image is built, after that the dependent image is just another standalone image. So even if the base project removes the base image, you still have yours to test on.

But eventually you will need to change the base image and you want the dependent image to update as well. The best solution here is to have a CI job as part of the base repo that pokes the dependent repo's CI whenever the base image updates. The CI templates add the pipeline id as label to an image when it is built. In your base project, you can thus have a job like this:

     - .fedora32
     - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
   image: something-with-skopeo-and-jq
     # FDO_DISTRIBUTION_IMAGE still has indirections
     # retrieve info from the registry and extract the pipeline id
     - JSON_IMAGE=$(skopeo inspect docker://$DISTRO_IMAGE)
     - IMAGE_PIPELINE_ID=$(echo $JSON_IMAGE | jq -r '.Labels["fdo.pipeline_id"]')
     - |
       if [[ x"$IMAGE_PIPELINE_ID" == x"$CI_PIPELINE_ID" ]]; then
          curl -X POST 
               -F "token=$AUTH_TOKEN_VALUE"
               -F "ref=master" 
               -F "variables[SOMEVARIABLE]=somevalue"
     SLASH: "%2F"

Let's dissect this: First, we use the .fdo.distribution-image@fedora template to get access to FDO_DISTRIBUTION_IMAGE. We don't need to use the actual image though, anything with skopeo and jq will do. Then we fetch the pipeline id label from the image and compare it to the current pipeline ID. If it is the same, our image was rebuilt as part of the pipeline and we poke the other project's pipeline with a SOMEVARIABLE set to somevalue. The auth token is a standard GitLab token you need to create to allow triggering the pipeline in the dependent project.

In that dependent project you can have a job like this:

  extends: build-extra-image
    - if: '$SOMEVARIABLE == "somevalue"'

This job is only triggered where the variable is set and it will force a rebuild of the container image. If you want custom rebuilds of images, set the variables accordingly.

So, as promised above, we now have a base image and a separate image building on that, together with auto-rebuild hooks. The gstreamer-plugins-rs project uses this approach. The base image is built by gstreamer-rs during its CI run which then pokes gstreamer-plugins-rs to rebuild selected dependent images.

The above is most efficient when the base project knows of the dependent projects. Where this is not the case, the dependent project will need a scheduled pipeline to poll the base project and extract the image IDs from that, possibly using creation dates and whatnot. We'll figure that out when we have a use-case for it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

xisxwayland checks for Xwayland ... or not

One of the more common issues we encounter debugging things is that users don't always know whether they're running on a Wayland or X11 session. Which I guess is a good advertisement for how far some of the compositors have come. The question "are you running on Xorg or Wayland" thus comes up a lot and suggestions previously included things like "run xeyes", "grep xinput list", "check xrandr" and so on and so forth. None of those are particularly scriptable, so there's a new tool around now: xisxwayland.

Run without arguments it simply exits with exit code 0 if the X server is Xwayland, or 1 otherwise. Which means use can use it like this:

$ cat

if xisxwayland; then
   echo "This is an Xwayland server!";
   exit 1

Or, in the case where you have a human user (gasp!), you can ask them to run:
$ xisxwayland --verbose
Xwayland: YES
And even non-technical users should be able to interpret that.

Note that the script checks for Xwayland (hence the name) via the $DISPLAY environment variable, just like any X application. It does not check whether there's a Wayland compositor running but for most use-cases this doesn't matter anyway. For those where it matters you get to write your own script. Congratulations, I guess.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wayland doesn't support $BLAH

Gather round children, it's analogy time! First, some definitions:

  • Wayland is a protocol to define the communication between a display server (the "compositor") and a client, i.e. an application though the actual communication is usually done by a toolkit like GTK or Qt.
  • A Wayland Compositor is an implementation of a display server that (usually but not necessary) handles things like displaying stuff on screen and handling your input devices, among many other things. Common examples for Wayland Compositors are GNOME's mutter, KDE's KWin, weston, sway, etc.[1]

And now for the definitions we need for our analogy:

  • HTTP is a protocol to define the communication between a web server and a client (usually called the "browser")
  • A Web Browser is an implementation that (sometimes but not usually) handles things like displaying web sites correctly, among many other things. Common examples for Web Browsers are Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc. [2]

And now for the analogy:

The following complaints are technically correct but otherwise rather pointless to make:

  • HTTP doesn't support CSS
  • HTTP doesn't support adblocking
  • HTTP doesn't render this or that website correctly
And much in the same style, the following complaints are technically correct but otherwise rather pointless to make:
  • Wayland doesn't support keyboard shortcuts
  • Wayland doesn't support screen sharing
  • Wayland doesn't render this or that application correctly
In most cases you may encounter (online or on your setup), saying "Wayland doesn't support $BLAH" is like saying "HTTP doesn't support $BLAH". The problem isn't in with Wayland itself, it's a missing piece or bug in the compositor you're using.

Likewise, saying "I don't like Wayland" is like saying "I don't like HTTP".The vast majority of users will have negative feelings towards the browser, not the transport protocol.

[1] Because they're implementations of a display server they can speak multiple protocols and some compositors can also be X11 window managers, much in the same way as you can switch between English and your native language(s).
[2] Because they're implementations of a web browser they can speak multiple protocols and some browsers can also be FTP file managers, much in the same way as... you get the point

Saturday, April 4, 2020

High resolution wheel scrolling in the desktop stack

This is a follow up from the kernel support for high-resolution wheel scrolling which you totally forgot about because it's already more then a year in the past and seriously, who has the attention span these days to remember this. Anyway, I finally found time and motivation to pick this up again and I started lining up the pieces like cans, for it only to be shot down by the commentary of strangers on the internet. The Wayland merge request lists the various pieces (libinput, wayland, weston, mutter, gtk and Xwayland) but for the impatient there's also an Fedora 32 COPR. For all you weirdos inexplicably not running the latest Fedora, well, you'll have to compile this yourself, just like I did.

Let's recap: in v5.0 the kernel added new axes REL_WHEEL_HI_RES and REL_HWHEEL_HI_RES for all devices. On devices that actually support high-resolution wheel scrolling (Logitech and Microsoft mice, primarily) you'll get multiple hires events before the now-legacy REL_WHEEL events. On all other devices those two are in sync.

Integrating this into the userspace stack was a bit of a mess at first, but I think the solution is good enough, even if it has a rather verbose explanation on how to handle it. The actual patches to integrate ended up being relatively simple. So let's see why it's a bit weird:

When Wayland started, back in WhoahReallyThatLongAgo, scrolling was specified as the wl_pointer.axis event with a value in pixels. This works fine for touchpads, not so much for wheels. The early versions of Weston decreed that one wheel click was 10 pixels [1] and, perhaps surprisingly, the world kept on turning. When libinput was forked from Weston an early change was that wheel events would have two values - degrees of movement and click count ("discrete steps"). The wayland protocol was expanded to include the discrete steps as wl_pointer.axis_discrete as well. Then backwards compatibility reared its ugly head and Mutter, Weston, GTK all basically said: one discrete step equals 10 pixels so we multiply the discrete value by 10 and, perhaps surprisingly, the world kept on turning.

This worked out well enough for a few years but with high resolution wheels we ran into a problem. Discrete steps are integers, so we can't send partial values. And the protocol is defined in a way that any tweaking of the behaviour would result in broken clients which, perhaps surprisingly, is a Bad Thing. This lead to the current proposal of separate events. LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS_WHEEL and for Wayland the wl_pointer.axis_v120 event, linked to above. These events are (like the kernel events) a parallel event stream to the previous events and effectively replace the LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS and Wayland wl_pointer.axis/axis_discrete pair for wheel events (not so for touchpad or button scrolling though).

The compositor side of things is relatively simple: take the events from libinput and pass the hires ones as v120 events and the lowres ones as v120 events with a value of zero. The client side takes the v120 events and uses them over wl_pointer.axis/axis_discrete unless one is zero in which case you can discard all axis events in that wl_pointer.frame. Since most client implementation already have the support for smooth scrolling (because, well, touchpads do exist) it's relatively simple to integrate - the new events just feed into the smooth scrolling code. And since you already have to do wheel emulation for that (because, well, old clients exist) wheel emulation is handled easily too.

All that to provide buttery smooth [2] wheel scrolling. Or not, if your hardware doesn't support it. In which case, well, live with the warm fuzzy feeling that someone else has a better user experience now. Or soon, anyway.

[1] with, I suspect, the scientific measurement of "yeah, that seems about alright"
[2] like butter out of a fridge, so still chunky but at least less so than before

Friday, March 20, 2020

It's templates all the way down

Benjamin Tissoires and I have been busy anthophila and working on the freedesktop CI templates. This post is primarily of interest if you're working on GitLab, specifically if your repo is hosted on If either of those applies, prepare to be distracted from the current pandemic, otherwise maybe just prepare to be entertained. I'll do my best to be less miserable than the news.

We all know that CI/CD really helps with finding bugs early. If you don't know that yet, insert a jedi handwave before the previous sentence and now you do. GitLab is the git forge now used by and it comes with a built-in CI system. I'm leaving out the difficult bits such as actually setting the thing up because this is obviously all handled by Heinzelmännchen and just readily available, hooray. I'm also going to assume that you roughly know how to write GitLab CI jobs or, failing that, at least know how to read YAML without screaming. So for this post, we start with the basic problem that your .gitlab-ci.yml is getting unwieldy, repetitive or generally just kinda sucks to maintain. Which is roughly where libinput and libevdev were a while back which caused Benjamin to start the ci-templates.

Now, what do we want? (other than a COVID-19 cure) Reproducible tests, possibly on different distributions, with the same base system across tests. For my repos the goal was basically "test on the common distributions to catch certain bugs early". [1] For Mesa, the requirement is closer to "have a fixed set of images that 'never' change so tests are reproducible". Both goals have much in common.

Your first venture into CI will look like this:

  image: fedora:31
    - dnf update -y
    - dnf install -y onepackage twopackage threepackage floor
    - meson builddir && ninja -C builddir test
So, in short: take a Fedora 31 docker image, update it [2], install the required packages and then run the actual test part - meson and ninja. Easy.

This works fine but it takes approximately forever because dnf update is slow and you're potentially pulling down gigs of packages on every test run. Which is fun, but less so when you have 10 different jobs and they all do that. So let's call this step 1 and pretend we're more advanced than that. Step 2 is where you start building an image you re-use, steps 3 to N are the bits where you learn more than you want to know about docker, podman, skopeo and how many typos you can put into a YAML file. So, ad break, and we jump right to the part where enlightenment is just around the corner or wherever enlightenment lurks these days.

Using the CI Templates

Here's the .gitlab-ci.yml to build a Fedora 31 images with ci-templates and run the test on that image:

  - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
    ref: 123456deadbeef
    file: '/templates/fedora.yml'

   # project name of the upstream repo
   FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: someproject/name

  - prep
  - test

  extends: .fdo.container-build@fedora
  stage: prep
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: 'onepackage twopackage threepackage floor'
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20.0'

  extends: .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
  stage: test
    - meson builddir && ninja -C builddir test
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20.0'
Now, you guessed correctly that the .fdo and FDO_ prefixes are used by the templates. There is a bunch of stuff hidden here. Basically, this will:
  • check if the image exists in your personal project's registry and use that, but if not
  • check if the image exists in the given upstream project's registry and use that, but if not
  • create a Fedora 31 image with the given packages installed and pushes it with the tag to the registry
  • use that image (whether newly created or pre-existing) and run the tests on it
There are a few more details too, but that's roughly the summary of it. For existing tags, the the myimage job effectively becomes a noop and the myjob job will re-use the image. The image will be in your registry so you can podman run it locally to reproduce a bug.

To build a new image, simply change the tag. Either because you want newer packages or you need extra (or less packages). And the nice thing here: you will build a new image as part of your merge request and run the CI against that new image. But upstream and every other MR will keep using the old image - right up until your MR is merged at which point every (future) MR will use that new updated image.

Want to build a Debian Stretch image? Replace Fedora and 31 with debian and stretch. Same for Ubuntu, Centos, Alpine and Arch though for those two you don't need a version number.

Templating the templates

"But, but, Peter, I want to test on eleventy different distribution like you do" I hear you say. Well, fear not, for this is where the ci-fairy comes in. How about we *gasp* generate the .gitlab-ci.yml file from a base configuration? That can't possibly be a bad idea, so let's do that! First, we save our configuration into the .gitlab-ci/config.yml:

  - name: fedora
    tag: 12345
    version: 30
  - name: ubuntu
    tag: abcde
    version: '19.10'
  # and so on, and so forth

  - curl
  - wget
  - gcc
There is no specific requirement on the structure of the config file, ci-fairy simply loads it and passes it to Jinja2. Your template could thus look like this .gitlab-ci/ci.template file:
{% for d in distributions %}
   - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
     ref: 123456deadbeef
     file: '/templates/{{}}.yml'
{% endfor %}

  - prep
  - test

{% for d in distributions %}

    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: '{{d.version}}'
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '{{d.tag}}'

    - .fdo.container-build@{{}}
    - .{{}}.{{d.version}}
  stage: prep
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: "{{' '.join(packages)}}"

    - .fdo.distribution-image@{{}}
    - .{{}}.{{d.version}}
  stage: test
    - meson builddir && ninja -C builddir
{% endfor %}
And to locally generate our .gitlab-ci.yml, all we need to do is
$ pip3 install git+
$ cd path/to/project
$ ci-fairy generate-template
$ ci-fairy lint  # checks the resulting YAML for syntax errors
$ git commit .gitlab-ci.yml
And, for reference, the file we generated here looks like this:
   - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
     ref: 123456deadbeef
     file: '/templates/fedora.yml'
   - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
     ref: 123456deadbeef
     file: '/templates/ubuntu.yml'

  - prep
  - test


    - .fdo.container-build@fedora
    - .fedora.30
  stage: prep
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: "curl wget gcc"

    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
    - .fedora.30
  stage: test
    - meson builddir && ninja -C builddir


    - .fdo.container-build@ubuntu
    - .ubuntu.19.10
  stage: prep
    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: "curl wget gcc"

    - .fdo.distribution-image@ubuntu
    - .ubuntu.19.10
  stage: test
    - meson builddir && ninja -C builddir
Aside from the templating a new thing here is the e.g. .fedora.30 template what we extend from. This is an easy way to avoid having to set things like the distribution version and the tag multiple times. And a few things of note: the tag is job-specific (not distribution-specific). So you could have two Fedora 30 images with two different tags. This is also just an example I typed out, a real-world .gitlab-ci.yml will look more complex and different. So only rely on the above to get an idea of what's possible.

A word for users: You can use the remote: include directive to use the templates from elsewhere. ci-fairy isn't tied to either but you'll have to provide more flags to get what you want instead of relying on the default behaviours.

The documentation for CI Templates has more, go and peruse my pretties.

[1] For months the CI was basically just a build test because I couldn't run the test suite in a container
[2] Updating isn't always required but sooner or later you run into a dependency issue if you don't

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A tale of missing touches

libinput 1.15.1 had a new feature: it matched the expected touch count with the one actually seen as opposed to the one advertised by the kernel. That is good news for ALPS devices whose kernel driver lies about their capabilities because these days who doesn't. However, in some cases that feature had the side-effect of reducing the touch count to zero - meaning libinput would ignore any touch. This caused a slight UX degradation.

After a bit of debugging and/or cursing, the issue was identified as a libevdev issue, specifically - the way libevdev replays events after a SYN_DROPPED event. And after several days of fixing things, adding stuff to the CI and adding meson support for libevdev so the CI can actually run a few useful things, it's time for a blog post to brain-dump and possibly entertain the occasional reader such as you are. Congratulations, I guess.

The Linux kernel's evdev protocol is a serial protocol where all events have a type, a code and a value. Events are grouped by EV_SYN.SYN_REPORT events, so the event type is EV_SYN (0), the event code is SYN_REPORT (also 0). The value is usually (but not always), you guessed it, zero. A SYN_REPORT signals that the current event sequence (also called a "frame") is to be interpreted as one hardware event [0]. In the simplest case, two hardware events from a mouse could look like this:

EV_REL   REL_X        1
EV_REL   REL_X        1
EV_REL   REL_Y        1
While we have five evdev events here, those represent one hardware event with an x movement of 1 and a second hardware event with a diagonal movement by 1/1. Glorious, we all understand evdev now (if not, read this and immediately afterwards this, although that second post will be rather reinforced by this post).

Life as software developer would be quite trivial but our universe hates us and we need an extra event code called SYN_DROPPED. This event is used by the kernel when events from the device come in faster than you're reading them. This shouldn't happen given that most input devices scan out at the casual rate of every 7ms or slower and we're not exactly running on carrier pigeons here. But your compositor has been a busy bee rendering all these browser windows containing kitten videos and thus completely neglected to check whether you've moved the finger on the touchpad recently. So the kernel sort-of clears the current event buffer and positions a shiny steaming SYN_DROPPED in there to notify the compositor of its wrongdoing. [1]

Now, we could assume that every evdev client (libinput, every Xorg driver, ...) knows how to handle SYN_DROPPED events correctly but we're self-aware enough that we don't. So SYN_DROPPED handling is wrapped via libevdev, in a way that lets the clients use almost exactly the same processing paths they use for normal events. libevdev gives you a notification that a SYN_DROPPED occured, then you fetch the events one-by-one until libevdev tells you have the complete current state of the device, and back to kittens you go. In pseudo-code, your input stack's event loop works like this:

while (user_wants_kittens):
   event = libevdev_get_event()

   if event is a SYN_DROPPED:
     while (libevdev_is_still_synchronizing):
        event = libevdev_get_event()
Now, this works great for keys where you get the required events to release or press new keys. This works great for relative axes because meh, who cares [2]. This works great for absolute axes because you just get the current state of the device and done. This works great for touch because, no wait, that bit is awful.

You see, the multi-touch protocol is ... special. It uses the absolute axes, but it also multiplexes over those axes via the slot protocol. A normal two-touch event looks like this:

EV_ABS ABS_MT_SLOT         0
EV_ABS ABS_MT_SLOT         1
EV_ABS ABS_X               123
EV_SYN SYN_REPORT          0
The first two evdev events are slot 0 (first touch [3]), the second two evdev events are slot 1 (second touch [3]). Both touches update their X position but the second touch also updates its Y position. But for single-touch emulation we also get the normal absolute axis event [3]. Which is equivalent to the first touch [3] and can be ignored if you're handling the MT axes [3] (I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that footnote). And because things aren't confusing enough: events within an evdev frame are position-independent except the ABS_MT axes which need to be processed in sequence. So that ABS_X events could be anywhere within that frame, but the ABS_MT axes need to be grouped by slot.

About that single-touch emulation... We also have a single-touch multi-touch protocol via EV_KEY. For devices that can only track N fingers but can detect N+M fingers, we have a set of BTN_TOOL defines. Two fingers down sets BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP, three fingers down sets BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP, etc. Those are just a bitfield though, so no position data is available. And it tops out at BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP but then again, that's a good maximum backed by a lot of statistical samples from users hands. On many devices, we have to combine that single-touch MT protocol with the real MT protocol. Synaptics touchpads on PS/2 only support 2 finger positions but detect up 5 touches otherwise [4]. And remember the ALPS devices? They say they have 4 slots but may only send data for two or three, so we have to detect this at runtime and switch to the BTN_TOOL bits for some touches.

So anyway, now that we unfortunately all understand the MT protocol(s), let's look at that libevdev bug. libevdev checks the slot states after SYN_DROPPED to detect whether any touch has stopped or started during SYN_DROPPED. It also detects whether a touch has changed, i.e. the user lifted the finger(s) and put the finger(s) down again while SYN_DROPPED was happening. For those touches it generates the events to stop the original touch, then events to start the new touch. This needs to be done over two event frames, i.e. with a SYN_REPORT in between [5]. But the implementation ended up splitting those changes - any touch that changed was terminated in the first event frame, any touch that outright stopped was terminated in the second event frame. That in itself wasn't the problem yet, the problem was that libevdev didn't emulate the single-touch multi-touch protocol with those emulated frames. So we ended up with event frames where slots would terminate but the single-touch protocol didn't update until a frame later.

This doesn't matter for most users. Both protocols were still correct-enough in their own bubble, only once you start mixing protocols was where it all started getting wonky. libinput does this because it has to, too many devices out there only track two fingers. So if you want three-finger tapping and pinch gestures, you need to handle both protocols. Despite this we didn't notice until we added the quirk for ALPS devices. Because now libinput sometimes noticed that after a SYN_DROPPED there were no fingers on the touchpad (because they all stopped/changed) but the BTN_TOOL bits were still on so clearly we have a touchpad that cannot track all fingers it detects - in this case zero. [6]

So to recap: libinput's auto-adjustment of the touch count for buggy touchpad devices failed thanks to libevdev's buggy workaround of the device sync. The device sync we need because we can't rely on userspace handling touches correctly across SYN_DROPPED. An event which only gets triggered because the compositor is too buggy to read input events in time. I don't know how to describe it exactly, but what I can see all the way down are definitely not turtles.

And the sad thing about it: if we didn't try to correct for the firmware and accepted that gestures are just broken on ALPS devices because the kernel driver is lying to us, none of the above would have mattered. Likewise, the old xorg synaptics driver won't be affected by this because it doesn't handle multitouch properly anyway, so it doesn't need to care about these discrepancies. Or, in other words and much like real life: the better you try to be, the worse it all gets.

And as the take-home lesson: do upgrade to libinput 1.15.2 and do upgrade to libevdev 1.9.0 when it's out. Your kittens won't care but at least that way it won't make me feel like I've done all this work in vain.

[0] Unless the SYN_REPORT value is nonzero but let's not confuse everyone more than necessary
[1] A SYN_DROPPED is per userspace client, so a debugging tool reading from the same event node may not see that event unless it too is busy with feline renderings.
[2] yes, you'll get pointer jumps because event data is missing but since you've been staring at those bloody cats anyway, you probably didn't even notice
[3] usually, but not always
[4] on those devices, identifying a 3-finger pinch gesture only works if you put the fingers down in the correct order
[5] historical reasons: in theory a touch could change directly but most userspace can't handle it and it's too much effort to add now
[6] libinput 1.15.2 leaves you with 1 finger in that case and that's good enough until libevdev is released

Thursday, February 6, 2020

User-specific XKB configuration - part 1

The xkeyboard-config project is the repository for all XKB descriptions, or "keyboard layouts" as the layman would say. But languages are weird and thus xkeyboard-config contains an obscene amount of different layouts. And of course there are additional layouts that are more experimental than common [1].

The fault, as usual, lies with us (the pronoun, not the layout). XKB is weird and its flexible to the point of driving even bananas bananas but due to some historic accidents it's largely non-editable. All XKB files are installed in system folders and we all know the 11th commandment was "thou shalt not edit things in /usr/share". But, luckily, that is all about to change. Or rather: it has changed as of libxkbcommon 0.10.0, released Jan 20 2020.

xkeyboard-config provides two types of files. The ones that actually set up your keyboard layout and the ones that allow you to keep sane while doing so, despite your best efforts to the contrary.


Let's look at the first set of files. XKB uses "keycodes, compat, geometry, symbols, types", conveniently if unpronouncably called KcCGST. Keycodes map your "physical" scancode to an internal code-name. For example, your key with the digit 1 on it is AE01 (alphabetic key, row E from bottom, key number 1 from left). Then you map those keycodes into symbols (1 and !). This happens based on the key's type which defines the combination of modifiers to produce the symbols [2]. Compat is largely magic weird stuff (locking modifiers, pointer control) and geometry would let you draw a pretty picture of your keyboard if it was defined for your keyboard which it won't be.

To see the full keyboard layout simply run xkbcomp -xkb $DISPLAY - and marvel. xkeyboard-config keeps all these parts so your X server or Wayland compositor can load it at runtime depending on your layout.


But when it comes to actual layout selection we like our users enough that we don't make them handle KcCGST but rather provide them with RMLVO instead - "rules, models, layouts, variants, options". You select layout "us" and something converts this into the right components to actually load. Run setxkbmap -layout us -print to see this happening.

"layouts" is what you'd usually associate with a country (except politics is still a thing, so more weirdness here) and "variants" are variations of those. Layout "us" gives you QWERTY and "fr" gives you AZERTY but the "us(dvorak)" variant gives you whatever heresy dvorak applies to those physical keys. And of course, things don't stop there - options are tack-on thingies that do stuff. Like remapping caps lock to compose so you're less capable of shouting at me. Come to think of it, it should really be enabled by default for that reason. You can combine multiple options largely at-will. "models" are largely obsolete (except where they aren't) thanks to the Linux kernel evdev interface which makes all keyboard look the same. But they used to be a thing and maybe one day they'll make a comeback like bell bottom jeans. Disliked by everyone but some weirdos insist on using them.


Finally, we have rules and thus come to the core of the matter of this post. Rules are magic files that tell the various tools how to go from RMLVO to KcCGST. It's a weird format but it's quite understandable, just open /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev and have a looksie. It'll make you the popular kid at the next frat party.

Many many moons ago before the Y2K bug was even in its larvae stage, the idea was that you could configure all of those because every UNIX tool had to be more flexible than your yoga teacher. I'm unsure to what extent this was actually ever the case but around 2007-ish the old keyboard driver got deprecated and the evdev driver made it's grand entrance. And one side-effect of that was that things broke. evdev uses different keycodes, so all those users that copy-pasted unnecessary XKB configuration into their xorg.conf now had broken keys because they were applying the wrong rules. After whacking enough moles that we got in trouble with the RSPCA we started hardcoding the "evdev" ruleset everywhere. The xorg.conf option "XKBRules" became a noop and thus stopped breaking users' setups.

Except that it also stopped users from deploying their own rules files - something that probably didn't really matter anyway. This had some unintended side-effects though. First, to have a working custom XKB layout you basically had to get it merged upstream. Yes, you could edit the files locally but they'd just be overwritten next time you update the packages. Second, getting rid of hardcoded things is hard so we're stuck with the evdev ruleset for the forseeable future. This was the situation until, well, now.

User-specific rules and layouts

The new libxkbcommon release changes two things: it prepends $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/ to the lookup path for XKB rules (and other files). So any file in that path will be picked before the system paths. This makes it possible to have KcCGST files in your home directory and actually use them. This was somewhat possible before by passing the right flags to the various tools but now it's on by default - at least where libxkbcommon is used (Wayland).

Secondly, rules files now support an include statement. This means you can set your own rules and include system rules. Because everything is hardcoded to evdev this effectively means your new rule file will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/rules/evdev and have at least one line: ! include %S/rules/evdev. If you do just that, you get the evdev ruleset from the system installation path. And any lines you add before or after that line will be loaded. Have a look at the git commit for the details but the summary is that you'll have a rules file that looks like this:

$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/xkb/rules/evdev
! option                =       symbols
  custom:foo            =       +custom(foo)
  custom:bar            =       +custom(baz)

! include %S/evdev
This file will define the option->symbol mappings as above and then include the system-provided evdev rules file, i.e. it'll behave like before with those two added. To get those to do something, you need to have the actual symbols files:
$ cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xkb/symbols/custom
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "foo" {
    key <TLDE> {        [      VoidSymbol ]       };

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "baz" {
    key <AB01> {        [      k, K ]       };

And voila, you can now use the XKB option "custom:foo" and/or "custom:bar" to remap your tilde or Z key. The rest is left to the reader as an exercise in creativity.

Remaining work

The libxkbcommon change was only the first part of the full feature. The remaining parts is to have libxkbcommon actually resolve XDG_CONFIG_HOME when running in gnome-shell which doesn't work right now thanks to secure_getenv() always returning NULL. That's an issue with gnome-shell in particular thanks to the rt-scheduler feature, enabled by default on Fedora already.

The second part, and harder, is to make the new options appear in the various graphical configuration tools. xkeyboard-config ships an XML file [3] that lists every possible combination with some human description for it. This XML file is used by the various tools directly but none of those tools support XML's XI:Include statements. So we'd either have to update all those tools to extend the parsing accordingly or, most likely a smarter long-term solution, write a wrapper library that provides a stable API to get at the same info. That way we can update the include paths under the hood without having to update every tool. Of course this requires every tool to update to the new library first, so, well, chicken, egg, usual problem. Anyway, we'll get there eventually.

[1] For example, I suspect a meetup of icelandic dvorak users doesn't qualify for a group discount.
[2] Each key has "levels" with one symbol each and modifiers that switch between those levels. Most keys have two levels - normal and shift. But there's a key type for EIGHT_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC_LEVEL_FIVE_LOCK and you can cry or laugh and both reactions are appropriate
[3] ask your grandparents about that, it's basically JSON for old people

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

libinput's timer offset errors

Let's say you have a friend (this wouldn't happen to you, of course, just that friend) who is staring at their system logs and wonder why it is full of messages similar to this:

 libinput error: client bug: timer event5 debounce short: offset negative (-7ms)
And the question is of course - what is going on here and why hasn't this been fixed yet. Now, the libinput documentation explains this already but it's always worthwhile to fire out a blog post into the void in the hope someone reads it.

libinput uses a specific model to communicate with the Wayland compositor (or the X server). There is a single epoll file descriptor and that fd will trigger whenever something happens that's of interest to libinput. When that fd triggers, the compositor is expected to call libinput_dispatch() which is the main "do stuff" function of libinput.

The actual trigger doesn't matter, it could be an event from a device but it could be something else. The caller doesn't have to care. All that matters is that there is code like this:

if (libinput_fd_triggered_in_select)
And then libinput will do the right thing. Whether you also want events from libinput is almost orthogonal to this.

libinput uses timerfd internally so any timeouts also trigger the epoll fd. Timeouts are scheduled based on the event's time stamp, so if you get an event with timestamp T, a timeout of 180ms will be scheduled for time T + 180ms. So the process looks something like this:

T(0): kernel button event
T(0): libinput_dispatch(): schedule timeout for T(0+180)
T(180): epoll fd triggers
T(180): libinput_dispatch(): process timeout
This works generally fine. Even with some delays we don't generally need to worry about the timeouts and they still trigger as expected. But some of the timeouts are "short", as in 8ms short. And this is where these warnings may trigger.

Let's say your compositor is busy doing some rendering. The epoll fd triggers with a button event but the compositor is too busy to handle it immediately. Instead, it finishes whatever it's doing and only then calls libinput_dispatch():

T(0): kernel button event
T(12): libinput_dispatch(): schedule timeout for T(0+8)

libinput error: client bug: timer event5 debounce short: offset negative (-4ms)
libinput will still use the event's timestamp instead of the wall clock time so the scheduled timeout is no longer in the future. And that is when the error message will be printed. This isn't a libinput bug, it's always a bug in the compositor. Especially gnome-shell is still struggling with these instances and while great strives have been made to make it more responsive, it can still happen.

The error message may seem cryptic, but it provides a bunch of useful information: event5 is your event node, "debounce short" is the timer name so we know where we got stuck. And 4ms gives us an indication how much we got delayed.

And for the record: the other end of this issue - delayed libinput_dispatch() after a timeout should have triggered is handled quietly by libinput. For example, if you have a physical event queued and a timeout expiry, we will process the earlier one first to make sure the sequences are handled correctly.