Wednesday, June 26, 2024

GNOME tablet support papercut fixes

Over the last months I've started looking into a few of the papercuts that affects graphics tablet users in GNOME. So now that most of those have gone in, let's see what has happened:

Calibration fixes and improvements (GNOME 47)

The calibration code, a descendent of the old xinput_calibrator tool was in a pretty rough shape and didn't work particularly well. That's now fixed and I've made the calibrator a little bit easier to use too. Previously the timeout was quite short which made calibration quite stressfull, that timeout is now per target rather than to complete the whole calibration process. Likewise, the calibration targets now accept larger variations - something probably not needed for real use-cases (you want the calibration to be exact) but it certainly makes testing easier since clicking near the target is good enough.

The other feature added was to allow calibration even when the tablet is manually mapped to a monitor. Previously this only worked in the "auto" configuration but some tablets don't correctly map to the right screen and lost calibration abilities. That's fixed now too.

A picture says a thousand words, except in this case where the screenshot provides no value whatsoever. But here you have it anyway.

Generic tablet fallback (GNOME 47)

Traditionally, GNOME would rely on libwacom to get some information about tablets so it could present users with the right configuration options. The drawback was that a tablet not recognised by libwacom didn't exist in GNOME Settings - and there was no immediately obvious way of fixing this, the panel either didn't show up or (with multiple tablets) the unrecognised one was missing. The tablet worked (because the kernel and libinput didn't require libwacom) but it just couldn't be configured.

libwacom 2.11 changed the default fallback tablet to be a built-in one since this is now the most common unsupported tablet we see. Together with the new fallback handling in GNOME settings this means that any unsupported tablet is treated as a generic built-in tablet and provides the basic configuration options for those (Map to Monitor, Calibrate, assigning stylus buttons). The tablet should still be added to libwacom but at least it's no longer a requirement for configuration. Plus there's now a link to the GNOME Help to explain things. Below is a screenshot on how this looks like (after modifying my libwacom to no longer recognise the tablet, poor Intuos).

Monitor mapping names (GNOME 47)

For historical reasons, the names of the display in the GNOME Settings Display configuration differed from the one used by the Wacom panel. Not ideal and that bit is now fixed with the Wacom panel listing the name of the monitor and the connector name if multiple monitors share the same name. You get the best value out of this if you have a monitor vendor with short names. (This is not a purchase recommendation).

Highlighted SVGs (GNOME 46)

If you're an avid tablet user, you may have multiple stylus tools - but it's also likely that you have multiple tools of the same type which makes differentiating them in the GUI hard. Which is why they're highlighted now - if you bring the tool into proximity, the matching image is highlighted to make it easier to know which stylus you're about to configure. Oh, and in the process we added a new SVG for AES styli too to make the picture look more like the actual physical tool. The <blink> tag may no longer be cool but at least we can disco our way through the stylus configuration now.

More Pressure Curves (GNOME 46)

GNOME Settings historically presents a slider from "Soft" to "Firm" to adjust the feel of the tablet tip (which influences the pressure values sent to the application). Behind the scenes this was converted into a set of 7 fixed curves but thanks to a old mutter bug those curves only covered a small amount of the possible range. This is now fixed so you can really go from pencil-hard to jelly-soft and the slider now controls an almost-continous range instead of just 7 curves. Behold, a picture of slidery goodness:

Miscellaneous fixes

And of course a bunch of miscellaneous fixes. Things that I quickly found were support for Alt in the tablet pad keymappings, fixing of erroneous backwards movement when wrapping around on the ring, a long-standing stylus button mismatch, better stylus naming and a rather odd fix causing configuration issues if the eraser was the first tool ever to be brought into proximity.

There are a few more things in the pipe but I figured this is enough to write a blog post so I no longer have to remember to write a blog post about all this.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

goodbye xsetwacom, hello gsetwacom

Back in the day when presumably at least someone was young, the venerable xsetwacom tool was commonly used to configure wacom tablets devices on Xorg [1]. This tool is going dodo in Wayland because, well, a tool that is specific to an X input driver kinda stops working when said X input driver is no longer being used. Such is technology, let's go back to sheep farming.

There's nothing hugely special about xsetwacom, it's effectively identical to the xinput commandline tool except for the CLI that guides you towards the various wacom driver-specific properties and knows the right magic values to set. Like xinput, xsetwacom has one big peculiarity: it is a fire-and-forget tool and nothing is persistent - unplugging the device or logging out would vanish the current value without so much as a "poof" noise [2].

If also somewhat clashes with GNOME (or any DE, really). GNOME configuration works so that GNOME Settings (gnome-control-center) and GNOME Tweaks write the various values to the gsettings. mutter [3] picks up changes to those values and in response toggles the X driver properties (or in Wayland the libinput context). xsetwacom short-cuts that process by writing directly to the driver but properties are "last one wins" so there were plenty of use-cases over the years where changes by xsetwacom were overwritten.

Anyway, there are plenty of use-cases where xsetwacom is actually quite useful, in particular where tablet behaviour needs to be scripted, e.g. switching between pressure curves at the press of a button or key. But xsetwacom cannot work under Wayland because a) the xf86-input-wacom driver is no longer in use, b) only the compositor (i.e. mutter) has access to the libinput context (and some behaviours are now implemented in the compositor anyway) and c) we're constantly trying to think of new ways to make life worse for angry commenters on the internets. So if xsetwacom cannot work, what can we do?

Well, most configurations possible with xsetwacom are actually available in GNOME. So let's make those available to a commandline utility! And voila, I present to you gsetwacom, a commandline utility to toggle the various tablet settings under GNOME:

$ gsetwacom list-devices
- name: "HUION Huion Tablet_H641P Pen"
  usbid: "256C:0066"
- name: "Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen"
  usbid: "056A:0357"
$ gsetwacom tablet "056A:0357" set-left-handed true
$ gsetwacom tablet "056A:0357" set-button-action A keybinding "<Control><Alt>t"
$ gsetwacom tablet "056A:0357" map-to-monitor --connector DP-1

Just like xsetwacom was effectively identical to xinput but with a domain-specific CLI, gsetwacom is effectively identical to the gsettings tool but with a domain-specific CLI. gsetwacom is not intended to be a drop-in replacement for xsetwacom, the CLI is very different. That's mostly on purpose because I don't want to have to chase bug-for-bug compatibility for something that is very different after all.

I almost spent more time writing this blog post than on the implementation so it's still a bit rough. Also, (partially) due to how relocatable schemas work error checking is virtually nonexistent - if you want to configure Button 16 on your 2-button tablet device you can do that. Just don't expect 14 new buttons to magically sprout from your tablet. This could all be worked around with e.g. libwacom integration but right now I'm too lazy for that [4]

Oh, and because gsetwacom writes the gsettings configuration it is persistent, GNOME Settings will pick up those values and they'll be re-applied by mutter after unplug. And because mutter-on-Xorg still works, gsetwacom will work the same under Xorg. It'll also work under the GNOME derivatives as long as they use the same gsettings schemas and keys.

Le utilitaire est mort, vive le utilitaire!

[1] The git log claims libwacom was originally written in 2009. By me. That was a surprise...
[2] Though if you have the same speakers as I do you at least get a loud "pop" sound whenever you log in/out and the speaker gets woken up
[3] It used to be gnome-settings-daemon but with mutter now controlling the libinput context this all moved to mutter
[4] Especially because I don't want to write Python bindings for libwacom right now