Friday, January 22, 2021

Auto-updating XKB for new kernel keycodes

Your XKB keymap contains two important parts. One is the mapping from the hardware scancode to some internal representation, for example:

  <AB10> = 61;  

Which basically means Alphanumeric key in row B (from bottom), 10th key from the left. In other words: the /? key on a US keyboard.

The second part is mapping that internal representation to a keysym, for example:

  key <AB10> {        [     slash,    question        ]       }; 

This is the actual layout mapping - once in place this key really produces a slash or question mark (on level2, i.e. when Shift is down).

This two-part approach exists so either part can be swapped without affecting the other. Swap the second part to an exclamation mark and paragraph symbol and you have the French version of this key, swap it to dash/underscore and you have the German version of the key - all without having to change the keycode.

Back in the golden days of everyone-does-what-they-feel-like, keyboard manufacturers (presumably happily so) changed the key codes and we needed model-specific keycodes in XKB. The XkbModel configuration is a leftover from these trying times.

The Linux kernel's evdev API has largely done away with this. It provides a standardised set of keycodes, defined in linux/input-event-codes.h, and ensures, with the help of udev [0], that all keyboards actually conform to that. An evdev XKB keycode is a simple "kernel keycode + 8" [1] and that applies to all keyboards. On top of that, the kernel uses semantic definitions for the keys as they'd be in the US layout. KEY_Q is the key that would, behold!, produce a Q. Or an A in the French layout because they just have to be different, don't they? Either way, with evdev the Xkb Model configuration largely points to nothing and only wastes a few cycles with string parsing.

The second part, the keysym mapping, uses two approaches. One is to use a named #define like the "slash", "question" outlined above (see X11/keysymdef.h for the defines). The other is to use unicode directly like this example from  the Devangari layout:

  key <AB10> { [ U092f, U095f, slash, question ] };

As you can see, mix and match is available too. Using Unicode code points of course makes the layouts less immediately readable but on the other hand we don't need to #define the whole of Unicode. So from a maintenance perspective it's a win.

However, there's a third type of key that we care about: functional keys. Those are the multimedia (historically: "internet") keys that most devices have these days. Volume up, touchpad on/off, cycle display connectors, etc. Those keys are special in that they don't have a Unicode representation and they are always mapped to the same fixed functionality. Even Dvorak users want their volume keys to do what it says on the key.

Because they have no Unicode code points, those keys are defined, historically, in XF86keysyms.h:

  #define XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp    0x1008FF02  /* Monitor/panel brightness */

And mapping a key like this looks like this [2]:

  key <I21>   {       [ XF86Calculator        ] };

The only drawback: every key needs to be added manually. This has been done for some, but not for others. And some keys were added with different names than what the kernel uses [3].

So we're in this weird situation where we have a flexible keymap system  but the kernel already tells us what a key does anyway and we don't want to change that. Virtually all keys added in the last decade or so falls into that group of keys, but to actually make use of them requires a #define in xorgproto and an update to the keycodes and symbols in xkeyboard-config. That again introduces discrepancies and we end up in the situation where we're at right now: some keys don't work until someone files a bug, and then the users still need to wait for several components to be released and those releases trickle into the distributions.

10 years ago would've been a good time to make this more efficient. The situation wasn't that urgent then, most of the kernel keycodes added are >255 which means they cannot be used in X anyway. [4] The second best time to do it is now. What we need is basically a pass-through from kernel code to symbol and that's currently sitting in various MRs:

- xkeyboard-config can generate the keycodes/evdev file based on the list of kernel keycodes, so all kernel keycodes are mapped to internal representations by default

- xorgproto has reserved a range within the XF86 keysym reserved range for pass-through mappings, i.e. any KEY_FOO define from the kernel is mapped to XF86XK_Foo with a specific value [5]. The #define format is fixed so it can be parsed.

- xkeyboard-config parses theses XF86 keysyms and sets up a keysym mapping in the default keymap.

This is semi-automatic, i.e. there are helper scripts that detect changes and notify us, hooked into the CI, but the actual work must be done manually. These keysyms immediately become set-in-stone API so we don't want some unsupervised script to go wild on them.

There's a huge backlog of keys to be added (dating to kernels pre-v3.18) and I'll go through them one-by-one over the next weeks to make sure they're correct. But eventually they'll be done and we have a full keymap for all kernel keys to be immediately available in the XKB layout.

The last part of all of this is a calendar reminder for me to do this after every new kernel release. Let's hope this crucial part isn't the first to fail.

[0] 60-keyboard.hwdb has a mere ~1800 lines!
[1] Historical reasons, you don't want to know. *jedi wave*
[2] the XK_ part of the key name is dropped, implementation detail.
[3] This can also happen when a kernel define is renamed/aliased but we cannot easily do so for this header.
[4] X has an 8 bit keycode limit and that won't change until someone develops XKB2 with support for 32-bit keycodes, i.e. never.

[5] The actual value is an implementation detail and no client must care

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Parsing HID Unit Items

This post explains how to parse the HID Unit Global Item as explained by the HID Specification, page 37. The table there is quite confusing and it took me a while to fully understand it (Benjamin Tissoires was really the one who cracked it). I couldn't find any better explanation online which means either I'm incredibly dense and everyone's figured it out or no-one has posted a better explanation. On the off-chance it's the latter [1], here are the instructions on how to parse this item.

We know a HID Report Descriptor consists of a number of items that describe the content of each HID Report (read: an event from a device). These Items include things like Logical Minimum/Maximum for axis ranges, etc. A HID Unit item specifies the physical unit to apply. For example, a Report Descriptor may specify that X and Y axes are in mm which can be quite useful for all the obvious reasons.

Like most HID items, a HID Unit Item consists of a one-byte item tag and 1, 2 or 4 byte payload. The Unit item in the Report Descriptor itself has the binary value 0110 01nn where the nn is either 1, 2, or 3 indicating 1, 2 or 4 bytes of payload, respectively. That's standard HID.

The payload is divided into nibbles (4-bit units) and goes from LSB to MSB. The lowest-order 4 bits (first byte & 0xf) define the unit System to apply: one of SI Linear, SI Rotation, English Linear or English Rotation (well, or None/Reserved). The rest of the nibbles are in this order: "length", "mass", "time", "temperature", "current", "luminous intensity". In something resembling code this means:

 system = value & 0xf
 length_exponent = (value & 0xf0) >> 4
 mass_exponent   = (value & 0xf00) >> 8
 time_exponent   = (value & 0xf000) >> 12
The System defines which unit is used for length (e.g. SILinear means length is in cm). The actual value of each nibble is the exponent for the unit in use [2]. In something resembling code:
 switch (system)
   case SILinear: 
     print("length is in cm^{length_exponent}"); 
   case SIRotation: 
     print("length is in rad^{length_exponent}");
   case EnglishLinear: 
     print("length is in in^{length_exponent}");
   case EnglishRotation:
     print("length is in deg^{length_exponent}");
   case None:
   case Reserved"

For example, the value 0x321 means "SI Linear" (0x1) so the remaining nibbles represent, in ascending nibble order: Centimeters, Grams, Seconds, Kelvin, Ampere, Candela. The length nibble has a value of 0x2 so it's square cm, the mass nibble has a value of 0x3 so it is cubic grams (well, it's just an example, so...). This means that any report containing this item comes in cm²g³. As a more realistic example: 0xF011 would be cm/s.

If we changed the lowest nibble to English Rotation (0x4), i.e. our value is now 0x324, the units represent: Degrees, Slug, Seconds, F, Ampere, Candela [3]. The length nibble 0x2 means square degrees, the mass nibble is cubic slugs. As a more realistic example, 0xF014 would be degrees/s.

Any nibble with value 0 means the unit isn't in use, so the example from the spec with value 0x00F0D121 is SI linear, units cm² g s⁻³ A⁻¹, which is... Voltage! Of course you knew that and totally didn't have to double-check with wikipedia.

Because bits are expensive and the base units are of course either too big or too small or otherwise not quite right, HID also provides a Unit Exponent item. The Unit Exponent item (a separate item to Unit in the Report Descriptor) then describes the exponent to be applied to the actual value in the report. For example, a Unit Eponent of -3 means 10⁻³ to be applied to the value. If the report descriptor specifies an item of Unit 0x00F0D121 (i.e. V) and Unit Exponent -3, the value of this item is mV (milliVolt), Unit Exponent of 3 would be kV (kiloVolt).

Now, in hindsight all this is pretty obvious and maybe even sensible. It'd have been nice if the spec would've explained it a bit clearer but then I would have nothing to write about, so I guess overall I call it a draw.

[1] This whole adventure was started because there's a touchpad out there that measures touch pressure in radians, so at least one other person out there struggled with the docs...
[2] The nibble value is twos complement (i.e. it's a signed 4-bit integer). Values 0x1-0x7 are exponents 1 to 7, values 0x8-0xf are exponents -8 to -1.
[3] English Linear should've trolled everyone and use Centimetres instead of Centimeters in SI Linear.