Monday, July 30, 2018

libinput now has ReadTheDocs-style documentation

libinput's documentation started out as doxygen of the developer API - they were the main target 4 years ago. Over time, more and more extra documentation was added and now most of it is aimed at users (for self-debugging and troubleshooting or just to explain concepts and features). Unfortunately, with doxygen this all ends up in the "Related Pages". The developer API documentation itself became a less important part, by now all the major compositors have libinput support and it doesn't change much. So while it needs to be there, most of the traffic goes to the user documentation (I think, it's not like I'm running stats).

Something more suited for prose-style docs was needed. I prefer the RTD look so last week I converted most of the libinput documentation into RST format and it's now built with sphinx and the RTD theme. Same URL as before:

The biggest difference is that the Developer API Documentation (still doxygen) is now at, (i.e. add /api/ to the link). If you're programming against libinput's API (e.g. because you're writing a compositor), that's where you need to go.

It's still basically the same content as before, I'll be tidying things up and adding to it over the next few weeks. Hopefully without breaking existing links. There is probably detritus from the doxygen → rst change floating around, I'll be fixing that too. If you want to help out please don't hesitate, I'll do my best to be quick to review any merge requests.

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