Thursday, December 22, 2011

Multitouch in X - Getting events

This post is part of a series on multi-touch support in the X.Org X server.
  1. Multitouch in X - Getting events
  2. Multitouch in X - Pointer emulation
  3. Multitouch in X - Touch grab handling
  4. Multitouch in X - Multitouch-touchpads
I recommend re-reading Thoughts on Linux multitouch from last year for some higher-level comments.
In this post, I'll outline how to identify touch devices and register for touch events.

This post assumes basic knowledge of the XI2 Xlib interfaces. Code examples should not be scrutinised for language-correctness.

New event types

XI 2.2 defines four new event types: XI_TouchBegin, XI_TouchUpdate, XI_TouchEnd are the standard events that most applications will be using. The fourth event, XI_TouchOwnership is mainly for handling specific situations where reaction speed is at a premium and gesture processing when grabs are active. I won't be covering those in this post.

Identifying touch devices

To use multitouch functionality from a client application, the client must announce support for the X Input Extension version 2.2 through the XIQueryVersion(3) request.
int major = 2, minor = 2;
XIQueryVersion(dpy, &major, &minor);
if (major * 1000 + minor < 2002)
    printf("Server does not support XI 2.2\n");
Once announced, an XIQueryDevice(3) call may return a new class type, the XITouchClass. If this class is present on a device, the device supports multitouch.The class struct itself is defined like this:
typedef struct
    int         type;
    int         sourceid;
    int         mode;
    int         num_touches;
} XITouchClassInfo;
The num_touches field specifies the number of simultaneous touches supported by the device. If the number is 0, we simply don't know (likely) or the device supports an unlimited number of touches (less likely). Regardless of the value expect that some devices lie, so it's best to treat this value as a guide only.

The mode field specifies the type of touch devices. We currently define two types and the server behaviour differs depending on the type:
  • XIDirectTouch for direct-input touch devices (e.g. your average touchscreen or tablet).  For this type of device, the touch events will be delivered to the windows at the of the touch point. Again, similar to what you would expect from a tablet interface - you press top left and the application top-left responds.
  • XIDependentTouch for a indirect input devices with multi-touch functionality. Touchpads are the prime example here. Touch events on such devices will be sent to the window underneath the cursor and clients are expected to interpret the touchpoints as (semantically) relative to the cursor position. For example, if your cursor is inside a Firefox window and you touch with two fingers on the top-left corner of the touchpad, Firefox will get those events. It can then decide on how to interpret those touchpoints.
A device that has a TouchClass may send touch events, but these events use the same axes as pointer events. Having said that, a touch device may still send pointer events as well - if the physical device generates both.
Your code to identify touch devices could roughly look like this:
XIDeviceInfo *info;
int nevices;

info = XIQueryDevice(display, XIAllDevices, &ndevices);

for (i = 0; i < ndevices; i++)
    XIDeviceInfo *dev = &info[i];
    printf("Device name %d\n", dev->name);
    for (j = 0; j < dev->num_classes; j++)
        XIAnyClassInfo *class = dev->classes[j];
        XITouchClassInfo *t = (XITouchClassInfo*)class;

        if (class->type != XITouchClass)

        printf("%s touch device, supporting %d touches.\n",
               (t->mode == XIDirectTouch) ?  "direct" : "dependent",

Selecting for touch events

Selecting for touch events on a window is mostly identical to pointer events. A client creates an event mask and submits it with XISelectEvents(3). One exception applies: a client must always select for all three touch events [1], XI_TouchBegin, XI_TouchUpdate, XI_TouchEnd. Selecting for one or two only will result in a BadValue error.

As for button events, only one client may select for touch events on any given window and the event delivery attempts traverse from the bottom-most window in the window tree up to the root window. Where a matching event selection is found, the event is delivered and the traversal stops.

Handling touch events

The three event types [1] are XIDeviceEvents like pointer and keyboard events. So from a client's point of view, in essence all we added was new event types.

The detail field of touch events specifies the touch ID, a unique ID for this particular touch for the lifetime of the touch sequence. Each touch sequence consists of a TouchBegin event, zero or more TouchUpdate events and one TouchEnd event. Since multiple touch sequences may be ongoing at any time, keeping track of the ID is important. The server guarantees that the touch ID is unique per device and that it will not be re-used [2]. Note that while touch IDs increase, they increase by an implementation-defined amount. Don't rely on the next touch ID to be the current ID + 1.

The button state in a touch event is the state of the physical buttons only. A TouchUpdate or TouchEnd event will thus usually have a zero button state. [3]

That's pretty much it, otherwise the handling of touch events is identical to pointer or keyboard events. Touch event handling should be straightforward and the significant deviations from the current protocol are in the grab handling, something I'll handle in a future post.

[1] I know, it's four. Good that you're paying attention.
[2] Technically ID collision may occur. For that to happen, you'd need to hold at least one touch down while triggering enough touches to exhaust a 32 bit ID range. And hope that after the wraparound you will get the same ID. There are better ways to spend your weekend.
[3] pointer emulation changes this, but I'll get to that some other time.

1 comment:

  1. I see XInput 2.2 was released but when will we expect to see definitions for the new event types in some sort of header file? I assume they will come first to libxcb?


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