Thursday, July 10, 2008

Input Device Properties

Another big feature was just pushed to git - input device properties.

You may know about window properties, you may know about RandR output properties. Now we have input device properties too, which are little more than a copy of the above two.

IDP allow you to attach properties to a device. These properties can be of arbitrary type and can be changed without the server having to know their details.
So who uses IDP?
- Drivers: the evdev driver now attaches two properties to enable middle mouse button support at runtime, and to change the middle button timeout. When a client changes such a property, the driver is notified and adjusts accordingly.
- The server: Simon Thum has been working on improved mouse pointer acceleration for a while now [1]. With IDP, the server can attach parameters to the device and use them for smoother acceleration.
- Clients: A client may label the device that is controlled by the dominant hand accordingly, and other clients can utilise this for their interaction methods.

And here's the mandatory "screenshots":

Changing the MB timeout from the default to 500ms.

whot@emu:~$ xinput --list-props "USB Optical Mouse"
Device 'USB Optical Mouse':
Middle Button Emulation: 2
valid values: 0 1 2
Middle Button Timeout: 50
whot@emu:~$ xinput --set-int-prop "USB Optical Mouse" "Middle Button Timeout" 16 500
whot@emu:~$ xinput --list-props "USB Optical Mouse"
Device 'USB Optical Mouse':
Middle Button Emulation: 2
valid values: 0 1 2
Middle Button Timeout: 500

Creating a client-defined property

whot@emu:~$ xinput --set-int-prop "USB Optical Mouse" "foobar" 8 2
whot@emu:~$ xinput --list-props "USB Optical Mouse"
Device 'USB Optical Mouse':
Middle Button Emulation: 2
valid values: 0 1 2
Middle Button Timeout: 500
foobar: 2

Note the [client] marks this property as created by a client, so you know that changing this property probably won't change anything in the driver/server.

Disclaimer: IDP weren't actually my idea, daniels has been talking about them for a while and I've seen them pop up elsewhere. I merely found the time to implement them.



  1. Could we please have similar properties for setting the scrollwheel emulation?
    It's currently the only thing really holding me back from binning my xorg.conf!

  2. I would love a property to change the button used for pasting from the paste buffer--I don't know where in the source this is set, but it would be awesome to be able to set this to button 6 or 7 on my mice that have such buttons.

    This is great work!


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